Adsorption and migration of radioactive isotopes in geological formations

   It is known that nuclear power plants produce radioactive wastes in great quantity. On the basis of half-life and radioactivity they are classified as low, medium and high level. These wastes must be stored for very long time for the interactions of radioactive isotopes with the structural materials of the reservoirs and geological formations around as well as their transport phenomena have to be studied.

   The migration of the radioactive isotopes in the geological formations (in rocks, soils, etc.) depends on a lot of factors. From these factors we have mainly studied the sorption of the isotopes. The kinetics and equilibrium of the sorption have been studied in batch experiments, the distribution coefficients have been determined. The degree of the sorption of the isotopes usually depends on its chemical species. The results can be used in the models of migration.

Last update: 2023. 06. 08. 11:05