Dr. Attila Bényei
Dr. Attila Bényei
associate professor

Szervezeti egység
University of Debrecen, Faculty of Science and Technology, Institute of Chemistry, Department of Physical Chemistry
Központi telefonszám
E-mail cím
4032 Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1.
Emelet, ajtó
ground floor, D-16 (study room)
Diplomas, degrees:
- 2011: Habilitation, University of Debrecen. Thesis: The wonder of X-ray diffraction: absolute configuration – supramolecular structure –polymorphism.
- 1998: Chartered Accountant, Diploma issued by the PERFECT Co.
- 1995: PhD, University of Debrecen. (Former Lajos Kossuth University). Thesis: Complex catalyzed hydrogenation and hydrogen transfer reactions of lipophilic substrates in aqueous solution.
- 1986: University degree, chemist and English special translator.
Research activity:
- Single crystal X-ray diffraction, structure determination
- Supramolecular chemistry, analysis of hydrogen bond structures
- Structure determination of metal complexes
- Assignment of absolute configuration
- Polymorph screening and structure determination of pharmaceutically important compounds
Teaching activity:
- Teaching physical chemistry and X-ray diffraction for students of chemistry, chemical engineers and pharmacy at BSc and MSc level
- Member of the European Crystallographic Association
- Hungarian Chemical Society (MKE)
- Review of papers for scientific journals (Inorg. Chem., ChemComm, CrystEngCom, RSC Advances, Monatschefte für Chemie, Acta Cryst C.)
- 2023: Alajos Kálman Prize
- 2015: Hungarian Gold Cross from the President of Hungary
- 2006: József Öveges fellowship
- 2002-2005: István Széchenyi fellowship
- 2000-2002: János Bolyai fellowship
- 1997-2000: Hungarian Research Fund
- 1997: Winner of the Michael Polanyi price for young researcher of physical chemistry, sponsored by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- 1994-1997: Zoltán Magyary fellowship
Last update:
2023. 11. 07. 10:07