Dr. Dóra Beáta Buzetzky
Dr. Dóra Beáta Buzetzky

Szervezeti egység
University of Debrecen, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering
Központi telefonszám
E-mail cím
4028 Debrecen Ótemető utca 2-4
Emelet, ajtó
floor 3, 310
Diplomas, degrees:
- Environmental engineer, MSc (2015, UD)
- English-Hungarian Special Translator in Natural Sciences (chemist specialization) (2017, UD)
- Ph.D. in environmental sciences (2020, UD)
- Extended radiation protection training (2021)
Research activity:
- Sorption of long-lived radioactive isotopes on modified bentonites.
- Sorption of anionic pollutants on cation exchanged bentonites.
- Investigation of phosphorus nutrient supply in soils by radiolabeling.
Teaching activity:
- Physical Chemistry III.
- Physical Chemistry V. laboratory practice
- Physical Chemistry VIII. laboratory practice
- Separation techniques
- Analytical chemistry
- Radiochemical mesearments
- Radioisotopes
- Isotope techniques
- Radiochemical Scientific Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Working Committee of Isotope Applications of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Last update:
2023. 06. 28. 07:42