Prof. Dr. Ferenc Joó
Prof. Dr. Ferenc Joó
professor emeritus

Szervezeti egység
University of Debrecen, Faculty of Science and Technology, Institute of Chemistry, Department of Physical Chemistry
Központi telefonszám
E-mail cím
4032 Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1.
Emelet, ajtó
floor 6, D618
Diplomas, degrees:
- Diplome chemist, L. Kossuth University, Debrecen, 1972
- DSc from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1991
- Full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007
Research activity:
- Aqueous organometallic chemistry
- Modification of biomembranes by catalytic hydrogenation
Teaching activity:
- Lectures, seminars and laboratory courses in major basic fields of physical chemistry, 1972-2020.
- Hungarian Chemical Society (MKE)
- Hungarian Society of Natural Sciences
- American Chemical Society
- Vice chairman (2004-2011) and Chairman (2011-2017) of the Chemical Section of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Chair (1996-2009) of the Chemistry Docoral School of the University of Debrecen (earlier L. Kossuth University), Chair (1993–2004) of the Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis doctoral program.
- OMFB Master Teacher Prize, 1993
- Apáczai Csere János Prize, 1997
- Széchenyi Prize (jointly with László Vígh)
- Szilárd Leo Professorial Scholarship
- Alejo Zuloaga Prize (U. Carabob, Venezuela), 2011
- OTKA Ipolyi Arnold Prize, 2011
- Gamboa-Winkler Prize of he Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ) and the Society of Hungarian Chemists, 2015
- Chemistry Europe Fellow, 2020
- Commander Cross of the Order of Merit of Hungary, 2020
- DE TTK Pro Facultate Prize, 2024
Last update:
2025. 02. 09. 08:37