Vágvölgyiné Dr. Marietta Tóth
Vágvölgyiné Dr. Marietta Tóth
associate professor

Szervezeti egység
University of Debrecen, Faculty of Science and Technology, Institute of Chemistry, Department of Organic Chemistry
Központi telefonszám
E-mail cím
4032 Debrecen Egyetem tér 1
Emelet, ajtó
floor 4, E-409 (Lecturers’ room)
Studies and degrees
- 1993-1998: Studies at the Lajos Kossuth University of Debrecen; MSc in chemistry; MSc in chemistry teacher; Special translator in English
- 1998-2001: PhD studies and research supervised by László Somsák, University of Debrecen
- 2002: PhD; Title of dissertation: Access to C-Glycosyl-imine type compounds and C-glycosyl-methylene carbenes and investigation of their properties
- 2001-2003: Research assistant at the Department of Organic Chemistry of the University of Debrecen
- 2003-2008: OTKA postdoctor
- 2008-2018: Assistant professor at the Department of Organic Chemistry of the University of Debrecen
- 2018- : Associate professor at the Department of Organic Chemistry of the University of Debrecen
Research interest
Synthesis of C-glycosyl imine type molecules (tosylhydrazones, benzoylhydrazones, oximes, (thio)semicarbazones, amidrazones) and investigation of their reactivity. Synthesis of C-glycosyl heterocycles. Investigation of transition metal catalysed and metal-free cross coupling reactions of sugar tosylhydrazones. Synthesis of glycomimetics.
- 2000: Mecenatúra Foundation Grant
- 2000: Universitas (Kereskedelmi és Hitelbank RT.) Foundation Grant
- 2003-2004, 2006-2008: OTKA Postdoctoral Fellowship
- 2011-2013: Bolyai János Research Fellowship
- 2013-2014: Magyary Zoltán Postdoctoral Fellowship
- 2015-2016: Debreceni Egyetem Research Fellowship
Scientific results in figures (as of September, 2020)
- Dissertations: 1
- Publications: 31
- Book sections: 3
- Patent applications: 1
- University primers: 2
- Lectures and posters: 69 (16 lectures and 12 posters in Hungarian; 19 lectures and 22 posters in English)
- Cumulative impact factor: 119.655
- Number of citations: 574 (independent)/ 987 (total)
- Hirsch index: 17
Complete list of publications in MTMT database (download)
Supervisor activity
- PhD students: 3 (2 of them are graduated)
- Diploma work: 3
- Projek work: 5
- Degree thesis: 12
- TDK thesis: 3
International collaborations and study trips
- 2019- : Dr. Trinidad Velasco-Torrijos, Maynooth University, Ireland
- 2016- : Prof. Dr. Peter Langer, Universität Rostock, Germany
- 2009- : Prof. Jean-Pierre Praly, Dr. Sebastien Vidal, Dr. David Goyard, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Villeurbanne, France
- 2008: Dr. V. P. Swamy, Dr. S. Hotha, CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India
- 2008-2010: Prof. Dr. Hongbin Sun, China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing, China
- 2007-2008: Dr. Igor Tvaroška, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia
- 2003- : Dr. Nikos G. Oikonomakos, Dr. Evangelia D. Chrysina, National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens, Greece
- 2000-2001: Prof. Dr. Torsten Linker, Universität Potsdam, Germany
Membership of professional societies and organizations
- Working Committee for Carbohydrates, Nucleic Acids and Antibiotics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Hungarian Chemical Society
University positions
- Programme leader of chemistry teachers (2018-)
- Secretary of the BSc Final Exam Committee of Chemistry (2008-2013, 2017-2018)
- Project assistant of the TÁMOP-4.2.2-08/1-2008-0014 project (2008-2012)
Last update:
2023. 06. 28. 08:26