Dr. Mónika Kéri
Dr. Mónika Kéri

Szervezeti egység
University of Debrecen, Faculty of Science and Technology, Institute of Chemistry, Department of Physical Chemistry
Központi telefonszám
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4032 Debrecen Egyetem tér 1
Emelet, ajtó
floor 2, D202 (Lecturers’ room)
Diplomas, degrees:
- 2015: PhD in chemistry (UD)
- 2008: MSc in environmental sciences (chemist specialization)
- 2007: English-Hungarian Special Translator
Research activity:
- Study of porous adsorbents by NMR cryoporometry, relaxometry and diffusiometry, determination of the pore size distribution. Optimalization of low- and high-field NMR methods to determine the hydration and solvation properties of solid materials (minerals, aerogels, polymers).
- Characterization of macromolecules in aqueous solution and their interaction with ions, nanoparticles and drug molecules by 1D and 2D NMR and pH-potentiometry.
- Treatment of iron sludge containing arsenic, formed in the arsenic removal process from drinking water. Development of arsenic removal technology, and the study of the deposition possibilities of the harmless sludge.
Teaching activity:
- Colloid chemistry laboratory practice (MSc chemist, BSc chemistry, pharmacist students) in Hungarian and English
- Environmental chemistry lecture and seminar (environmentalist, chemistry teacher and chemistry BSc)
- Environmental chemistry II. lecture, seminar and lab practice (MSc chemist and chemical engineering)
- Educational coordinator of the Department of Physical Chemistry: 2010– 2011., from 2020.
- Colloid Chemistry Working Group (Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA))
- Environmental Chemistry Working Group (Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA))
- Distinguished Young Professor of the Faculty of Science (2018)
- Magnetic Moments in Central Europe 2017 Conference Poster award (2017)
- MTA ATOMKI scientific paper of the month (Kéri et.al. Cellulose 22:(4) pp. 2211-2220.) (2015.okt.)
- Jedlik Ányos Scholarship of the National Excellence Program (2013-2014)
- Doctorand Scholarship of the Chemistry PhD School (2012-2013)
Last update:
2023. 06. 28. 07:56