Dr. Tímea Kaszás
Dr. Tímea Kaszás
research fellow

Szervezeti egység
University of Debrecen, Faculty of Science and Technology, Institute of Chemistry, Department of Organic Chemistry
Központi telefonszám
E-mail cím
4032 Debrecen Egyetem tér 1
Emelet, ajtó
floor 4, E-421 (Research laboratory)
Studies and degrees
- 2011: Chemical Engineer, BSc; University of Debrecen
- 2013: Chemical Engineer, MSc; Budapest University of Technology and Economics
- 2018: PhD; University of Debrecen, Title of dissertation: Coupling reactions of anhydro-aldose tosylhydrazones
- Febr. 2013 – Aug. 2013: Research assistant at the Department of Organic Chemistry of the University of Debrecen
- Sept. 2016 – Dec. 2017: Research assistant at the Department of Applied Chemistry of the University of Debrecen
- Jan. 2018 −: Research associate at the Department of Organic Chemistry of the University of Debrecen
Research interest
- Investigation of transition metal catalysed and metal-free cross coupling reactions of anhydro-aldose tosylhydrazones
Scientific results in figures (as of November, 2020)
- Publications: 6
- Lectures and posters: 21 (8 lectures and 4 posters in Hungarian; 2 lectures and 7 posters in English)
- Cumulative impact factor: 16.220
- Number of citations: 17 (independent)/ 35 (total)
- Hirsch index: 4
Supervisor activity
- Diploma work: 1 (consultant)
- Degree thesis: 3
- TDK thesis: 2
Study trip
- 2015: Prof. Dr. Peter Langer, Universität Rostock, Germany (10 weeks)
Membership of professional societies and organizations
Academy of Sciences
MTMT database (link)
IDEA (link)
Last update:
2023. 06. 28. 08:49