Dr. Tibor Csupász
Dr. Tibor Csupász

Szervezeti egység
University of Debrecen, Faculty of Science and Technology, Institute of Chemistry, Department of Physical Chemistry
Központi telefonszám
E-mail cím
4032 Debrecen Nagyerdei körút 98
Emelet, ajtó
ground floor, (2 workroom)
Diplomas, degrees:
- 2017: MSc in chemistry (UD)
- 2014: BSc in chemistry (UD)
Research activity:
- Synthesis of macrocyclic (oxatriaza-bicyclopentadeca-trien, abbrev. O-pyclen) ligands and chemical characterization of their transition metal complexes
- NMR studies of metal complexes of quadrupolar heavy elements such as 209Bi, 115In and 45Sc
Teaching activity:
- Physical chemistry laboratory practices for BSc and MSc students
- General chemistry laboratory practices for BSc students
- HPLC laboratory practices for BSc and MSc students
- 2017: Hungarian Chemical Society (MKE)
- 2021: Coordination Chemistry Working Group (Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA))
Last update:
2023. 12. 05. 09:31